Author: Adolor Aisiri, CCSI Nigeria
Program approach:
Centre for Communication and Social Impact (CCSI) is implementing the SBCC component of the Resilient & Accelerated Scale-up of injectable contraceptives in Nigeria (RASuDiN Project) across 10 states in Nigeria. The project is aimed at promoting a mixed method of modern contraceptives including the use of self-injectable contraceptives among women of reproductive age. The prime partner on this project is Association for Reproductive and Family Health (ARFH).
Key learning question:
Applying the Fogg model, CCSI wanted to identify the motivations, abilities and triggers for different target groups to uptake the injectable contraceptive method of family planning, and how these changed over time.
In addition, we wanted to use responsive feedback mechanisms (RFMs) to help with ongoing course correction and program iterations whilst the program was live.
Engaging key stakeholders
As the sub-contractor on the RASuDiN Project, CCSI was required to engage other key project stakeholders before being able to adopt the responsive feedback approach. In a series of meetings and review of concept notes, CCSI’s Research, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning team (RMEL), first engaged with the prime contractor M&E Officers to provide clarification on what responsive feedback is. Additionally, CCSI explained the value of RFMs in contrast to other methods familiar to program implementers, such as RCTs. In particular, they emphasized the value of RFMs in delivering feedback whilst the program was still live in the field.
Next, CCSI and ARFH continued onto discussions with the donor to get their buy-in before sharing the concept notes and tools at meetings where the Federal and State Ministries of Health as well as other field staff were present.
How did the program harness responsive feedback?
Using a combination of data collection methods such as exit interviews, focus group discussions and mystery shopping, the team gathered feedback from the field that enabled them to segment and prioritize the target audience into four main quadrants.
The quadrants enabled CCSI to design appropriate social behavior change messages for target beneficiaries and prioritize audiences (young, unmarried women were a top priority).
Partners, including the government, are excited about the RFM concept and can see its success with the RASuDiN project, the model can be applied across other family planning programs and health programs in the country.
Key learnings:
- Help stakeholders to by in by making RFM simple to understand and easy to action
The crucial lesson is the importance of getting key stakeholders to buy‐in by discussing the RFM concept in simple terms that explains the benefits, especially when working in a multi‐stakeholder partnership.
CCSI was more exposed to the process of RFM than the prime partner, hence it was important to get buy‐in from the prime partner. To address this, CCSI RMEL team engaged in a series of meetings with the prime partner’s M&E team, then with the program management team explaining the process and benefits of RFM in program implementation, all with the donor’s support.
The national MLE team built the capacity of the program staff at the national level and state and LGA staff to effectively conduct data collection and sharing, a necessary precondition of an effective RFM. A RFM toolkit and guidelines were developed as reference materials and tools to guide the team though the RFM process.
- Leverage existing resources
By integrating the RFM into routine program activities, it avoided duplication of roles, saved extra cost and prevented the creation of parallel systems between the RASuDiN project and the RFM system.
Similarly, utilizing program relevant meetings with government officials or MLE meetings at the national, state and LGA level for advocacy and training can provide a useful streamlining opportunity for training and/or advocacy as well as adhere to value for money principles.